What Is The Best Air Purifying Plants Indoors In India?

Best Air Purifying Plants Indoors In India
Best Air Purifying Plants Indoors In IndiaWhat Is The Best Air Purifying Plants Indoors In India?
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What Is The Best Air Purifying Plants Indoors In India?

Air quality has been getting worse day-by-day due to vehicular pollution, construction, industries, etc. The current pollution level is increasing and causing a thick layer of haze, even the sun rays are not able to reach us.

This is a critical situation and can cause some serious health issues like the burning of eyes, chocking lungs, headache, cold and cough and more.

Here, houseplants come as a solution; they can refresh and revitalize our interiors by cutting indoor air pollution. These plants are mainly effective in filtering out VOCs like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, and ammonia released from organic chemicals.

Here are 10 best air purifier plants that detoxify our environment:

1. Aloe Vera

One of the best air purifier plants, Aloe Vera not only cleanses the air of benzene and formaldehyde but also absorbs carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

This is a great option to keep at home because it is short, easy to grow and maintain. An additional benefit of aloe vera is that it contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

2. Golden Pothos

Out of different air purifying plants, Golden Pothos is one of the most effective air purifiers to combat different toxins like carbon monoxide, xylem, benzene and more.

The best part is that golden pothos does not need much maintenance as it can grow easily and can remain green even when kept in the dark.

3. Peace Lily

Peace Lily is a wonderful air purifying houseplant that is able to bloom indoor also. The flowers can make the area pleasant with its pleasing fragrance.

Peacy Lily removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air. These indoor plants look amazing in hanging baskets and small pots.

4. Indian Basil

Indian Basil also is known as Tulsi is one of the best air purifying plants India with medicinal properties. This plant needs regular sunlight and the best space to keep this air purifier plan would be near a window.

Indian Basil requires little-to-no maintenance and does not forget to water these air-purifying plants India.

5. Weeping Fig

Weeping Fig is a long-lasting, low-maintenance leafy plant, weeping wig. It is known to combat pollutants generated by household times like curtains, carpets, and furniture.

Weeping Fig is one of the hardiest air purifying plants that need to be placed in bright indirect light. Initially, this plan takes time to grow, but then it grows into a big plant effectively enhancing the air quality and rendering amazing air cleaning outputs.

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6. Bamboo Palm

The bamboo plant is one of the best air-purifying plants in India. It is a hardy plant that filters benezene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. Apart from air purification, it is a natural humidifier making it all the most useful during the dry winter.

Bamboo Palm needs moist soil and placement in an area with great air circulation. It thrives in areas with bright but not direct sunlight.

7. Snake

Snake plant is a hardy, easy to grow and propagate plant needing minimal attention. There is just one thing that you need to remember that it needs to be planted in free-draining soil.

It is one of the top air-purifying plants and is a great air-purifying plant for bedrooms and living rooms as identified by NASA. This is perfect for bathrooms as it is able to survive in low light and humid conditions.

8. Money Plant

Money Plant is a super air-purifying plant in India that cleans the air inside your house effectively. It needs regular watering and thrives in indirect sunlight. This plant propagates rapidly; therefore, it needs to be pruned on a regular basis.

9. Areca Palm Plant

Widely-known as the yellow butterfly palm and golden cane palm, Areca Palm Plant is one of the best air-purifying plants. This is also an excellent natural humidifier. This is a 6 feet tall plant that can transpire- 1 liter of water in 24 hours.

Areca Palm Plant is highly effective in removing formaldehyde from the air. This also removes bio-effluents from the air.

10. Chinese Evergreen Plant

If you are looking for an air purifier plant that can add to the decor of your house also, go for the Chinese Evergreen Plant. It is able to remove benezene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air.

These are the 10 best air purifier plants to plant in your to enhance air in your home. Select according to your need and desire and pick the best plans for your environment.

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